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    Thank you for all your support! Please follow the steps below to receive FREE CG stickers.

    1. Like or follow us on instagram, facebook, or twitter!

    2. Get 2 standard envelopes and 2 ($.55) stamps. Place a stamp on each envelope.
    3. On 1 of the envelopes put the address where you would like us to send the CG sticker / decal stickers to.
    4. Put your self addressed envelope in the other stamped envelope.
    5. Send to:

    CG Habitats
    12470 York St #1210
    Eastlake, CO 80614

    If you do not complete steps 1-5 correctly we can not hook you up with free stickers.

    PS. If you send a bigger envelope with more postage, we will send you bigger CG stickers!

    cg sticker

    cg stickers